What's It All About?

Award-winning author Lyanda Lynn Haupt will deliver the 2023 Art & Nature Keynote. Join this celebrated author and ecophilosopher for an engaging and insightful talk about the power of nature, art, and activism.

“Hope is ‘that virtue by which we take responsibility for the future.’ Not just responsibility for our individual futures but also for that of the world.” – Lyanda Lynn Haupt

Lyanda Lynn Haupt is an award-winning author, naturalist, ecophilosopher, and speaker whose work explores the beautiful, complicated connections between humans and the wild, natural world. Her newest book is Rooted: Life at the Crossroads of Science, Nature, and Spirit (Little, Brown Spark 2021).

Rooted is luminous and living proof of its own central premise: that all things are connected and that activism and creativity can be a powerful combination. Part philosophical and personal exploration, part environmental manifesto, written with a gloriously poetic sensibility . . . “– Erica Bauermeister, New York Times bestselling author

Advance tickets recommended.

Museum members: $60

Non-members: $80


About the Speaker

Lyanda’s writing is acclaimed for combining scientific knowledge with literary, poetic prose. Her previous books include: Mozart’s Starling The Urban Bestiary: Encountering the Everyday Wild and Pilgrim on the Great Bird Continent: The Importance of Everything and Other Lessons from Darwin’s Lost Notebooks. She is a winner of the Sigurd Olson Nature Writing Award, the Nautilus Book Award, a finalist for the Orion Book Award, and a two-time winner of the Washington State Book Award.

Lyanda has created and directed educational programs for Seattle Audubon, worked in raptor rehabilitation in Vermont, and been a seabird researcher for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in the remote tropical Pacific. Her essays have appeared in a variety of publications, including Orion, Discover, Utne, LA Times, Times Literary Supplement, Image, Huffington Post, Wild Earth, and Conservation Biology Journal. She lives in Seattle with her husband and a mixed backyard chicken flock.

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