What's It All About?

Join us for the inaugural launch of the New Moms at the Museum group on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, at the Laguna Art Museum. Come meet new moms and insightful professionals surrounded by an electric mix of Californian art.


Our monthly meet-up will be a blend of education, information, and socialization with an artistic element. We will start with an introduction of a featured piece of art by museum staff, then three quick tips for 3rd & 4th-trimester moms from industry professionals such as pediatricians, midwives, doulas, and newborn care specialists. The last 45 minutes are for you to meet and mingle.


During your free time, there will be a live art exhibition of abdominal wrapping and an art corner should you feel moved to be creative.


Bring a yoga mat to lie your baby on and a comfy blanket for extra warmth, as it can get chilly in the museum. Due to the meet-up being held at the museum, this gathering is for babies zero (pregnant) to four months.


Our group is not only for new moms but also for new dads.


A tasty morsel and beverage will be provided.


There will be an informational sheet for you to take home.


Parents are welcome to stay and browse the gallery afterward.


Advance tickets recommended.

Museum members: $7

Non-members: $14

Children under 12: Free


About the Organizer


Valerie Lynn is a Holistic Postpartum Doula, who has lived abroad for over 20 years in Southeast Asia, home to the lowest rates of postpartum mood disorders globally at just 3%.  Valerie rebalanced herself naturally from postpartum anxiety after her son was born in 2007, by turning to traditional postnatal practices.  


Valerie advocates for a positive fourth trimester, being a unique opportunity for mothers to replenish, revitalize, and restore themselves when the body is at its peak-healing-mode. Valerie creates personalized recovery plans encompassing education, nutrition, meals, body treatments and care that support the natural healing process. She also designs temporary in-home recovery areas where postnatal services take place. 


Her personal philosophy is that recovery from pregnancy and childbirth begins, from Day 1, or the birthing day. The Healing Window of Opportunity is a “minimum effort – maximum result” period. She is the author of The Mommy Plan, Restoring Your Post-Pregnancy Body Naturally, Using Women’s Traditional Wisdom and cookbook – Healing Meals: Simple Recipes for New Moms 


Valerie has lived in Japan, the U.K., Indonesia, Australia, and Malaysia and currently resides in Laguna Beach (LB). Valerie has held positions such as Executive Director of the American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce and Principal of VLM Consultancy Inc. In 2011, Valerie was the first foreigner to earn a Malay Postnatal Practices and Therapies certificate from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. In addition, she earned an M.S. in Southeast Asia Area studies from the University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), U.K. Valerie has been the International Country Coordinator of Malaysia for Postpartum Support International for over a decade. She’s on the Board of Directors of the LB Chamber of Commerce and LB High School PTA Executive Board.  



You can’t skip, postpone, ignore, or outsource the postpartum period, so let’s understand it. Valerie Lynn 

We look forward

to having you


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